Bargaining Update

Bargaining Update

Union Siblings, 

The County and bargaining committee met on Thursday 10/12. We started the day with a package proposal to the County of 

  • 15% increase in pay
  • Benefits Subsidy increase of 10%
  • PPE reimbursement of $1000
  • Jail premium pay for members that work in the county jails and probation department through the outreach unit. 
  • Add Juneteenth as a county holiday
  • Increase the vacation max cap to 344

The County countered with the following 

  • 11.75% increase in pay
  • County is still evaluating the benefits subsidy increase
  • County rejected the PPE reimbursement 
  • County is still evaluating the jail premium pay proposal
  • County does not accept adding Juneteenth as an additional holiday and increasing the vacation max cap to 344

By the end of the day on Thursday the union countered with the following 

  • 14% increase in pay
  • Benefits Subsidy increase of 10%
  • PPE reimbursement of $800
  • Jail premium pay for members that work in the county jails and probation department through the outreach unit. 
  • Add Juneteenth as a county holiday
  • Increase the vacation max cap to 336

Thursday was a long day although there was movement in regards to compensation. We are still moving forward with our action at the Board of Supervisors meeting this Tuesday 10/17. We are meeting at 8:30am outside of the administration building and will go in as a group into the board meeting at 9am. If you RSVP’d by 10/4 and requested a T-shirt we will have it for you on Tuesday morning at the BOS action. 

Thank You again to all the members that have come out for the various actions. 

Together We Are Stronger ✊

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