Section 1. General Provisions
Recognizing that a safe work environment is of substantial benefit to both the
County and employees, the County and the Union mutually agree to the following safety program:
A. No employee shall be required to work under conditions dangerous to the
employee’s health or safety.
B. The County shall make reasonable efforts to provide and maintain a safe
place of employment. AFSCME shall urge all employees to perform their
work in a safe manner. Employees shall be alert to unsafe practices,
equipment or conditions and report any such unsafe practices, equipment
or conditions to their immediate supervisors. Employees shall follow safe
C. Any employee who either does not receive an answer to a safety-related
question from his or her supervisor within three (3) days or receives an
answer which the employee deems unsatisfactory may directly contact the
County Safety Officer.
D. Any employee who is directed to perform a task which the employee feels
is unsafe may request an immediate investigation from the Safety Officer.
During the period that the Safety Officer is conducting an investigation, the
employee will be assigned to other work at no loss of earnings. If the
Safety Officer concludes the task complained of is safe, the employee shall
perform the work as instructed.
E. The County shall furnish all equipment which is necessary for employees
to perform their job in a safe manner.
F. The County shall provide the necessary first aid kits at all work locations.
First aid kits shall be checked periodically and replenished when needed.
Emergency telephone numbers shall be posted near telephones in
reception areas. Names and telephone numbers of employees qualified to
give first aid cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) also shall be posted.
G. Wherever practicable, the County shall provide first aid training and CPR
training to at least two (2) employees at each work location.
H. Emergency evacuation drills shall be held at each work location at least
once every six (6) months.
I. The County shall maintain at each work site a “Log and Summary of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses”. The log shall be made available to
the Health and Safety Steward


