Message To Call Agents

Message To Call Agents

Union Siblings, 

It has discovered by the Union that our call agent coworkers are being illegally recorded while on calls with clients. Previously the call center system would stop recording a call agent when a call was placed on hold. With the implementation of the new system Calibrio , when a call agent places a customer on hold the system continues to record the call. This change was never reported to call agents. As a result many of our members have been illegally recorded, when they have placed a call on hold. 

The union has reported to human resources that this practice is illegal and must stop immediately. The union will continue to engage with the county on how this practice will stop. In the meantime, we needed to inform our call agent members of this fact. We will keep the membership informed as further details come up. 

We know that it has been a while since we have communicated with the membership since negotiations wrapped up. We will be coming out to work sites in the upcoming weeks to distribute swag bags from our Benefits trust. Below is a schedule of site visits. We look forward to seeing you then. If you will not be on site the day of the bag distribution in your office, there will be another opportunity to attend our drive-through event on March 16th. 

3/5/24 10am-12pm: ARC Room 2000    

3/12/24 10am-12pm: GGRC Room 2100 

3/12/24 10am-12pm: OCPC 1st Floor Lunchroom 

3/12/24 2:30pm-3:30pm: CCSC Room 228 

3/12/24 2:30pm-3:30pm: Foster Care Room A005 

3/13/24 10am-12pm: LHRC Room 2060 

3/13/24 2:30pm-3:30pm: IHSS Room 1378 

3/16/24 DRIVE THRU EVENT 520 N Brookhurst Street Anaheim CA 92801

3/19/24 10am- 12pm: SARC Room AB 101 

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