Update: BOS

Bargaining Update
Union Siblings,
The Bargaining Committee met with the County on Thursday 9/28. The union had no counter proposals for the employer this week. The County countered the union on two proposals.
• The union had proposed making Juneteenth a floating holiday in response to the county previously rejecting adding Cesar Chavez Day and Juneteenth to the observed holidays. The County rejected making Juneteenth a floating holiday. They do not want to add anymore holidays. 

• In regards to compensation, last week the Union stayed at 17% and proposed a $1800 ratification bonus. The County rejected the Union’s compensation proposal and made no counter offer to the union’s proposal.
Siblings, this is going to be an ongoing fight. The bargaining committee has made a commitment to not allow the County to silence us. We are now organizing for an action at the Board of Supervisors meeting 10/17/23. The County has made the mistake of allowing us time to have a strong presence at the next Board of Supervisors meeting. We will organize to an extent that will not be ignored by the Board of Supervisors.

Thank you to the membership for showing up and being loud and proud during our pickets. We heard from many members how strong our message rang through the offices of management at these regions. We even heard that many supervisors and managers even watched us picket together from conference rooms. We were not ignored and we only plan to ramp up our efforts and visibility from here on out. Pickets are not the only weapon at our disposal and we plan to roll out more of our strategy as necessary.

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